
Tuesday, November 4, 2014



Sometimes they seem like brilliant vibrant ideas and other times they are weird but oddly familiar. But somehow hold a place in people’s hearts. You can change a person’s life with words written on a page or in a text, I've witnessed it myself. Try your hardest to live with that thought in the back of your mind whenever you say something, because it could trigger something inside you or inside others and inspire change that people never thought they were capable of.

I’ve come to a realization that life here on earth is only as good as you make it. Don’t live with regret, when you live with regret you’re living in the past. We can always learn from the mistakes we've made and become a better person for it. We can change but only if you have the want and desire to. Sure life is hard, but the beauty is in the attempt.

You have to be honest with yourself and stand up for what you believe in, always tell the truth. Open your heart and be vulnerable, because that’s when you will learn the most about yourself and the others around you. Everything in life happens for a reason, it might be hard to recognize why in that exact moment, but if you take the time and try understand the situation it just might surprise you.

I’m nowhere near the person I want to be, but i feel like I'm making strides on becoming the man i hope to be someday. I'm going to challenge myself from this point forward to do everything in my power to be the man i hope to be for my future wife and Kids. If i die and people say i was a good husband and father then it was a life well lived. I challenge any and all of you who are reading this to do the same.  Don’t be content, don’t settle for mediocrity, and don’t sell yourself short. You deserve the best this life has to offer you, No matter who you are or where you come from, I know with a little belief in yourself and in God everything is possible. 

Now go, make all of your dreams a reality! Make the small things the big things, and maybe in the midst of it all you’ll fix something that’s broken. Perhaps while you live your dream it will give someone hope and a desire that they can live theirs. I stress to you, ALWAYS live in the moment be selfish sometimes, and stop worrying about what others say or think of you. Last but not least never forget that what we choose in our short time here on earth affects eternity.